Friday, April 6, 2012

part of a letter which came to me on little pieces of paper

the restaurant i worked at in Vermont
got destroyed by Peace ( Irene  )
after Hope came to live there

Am I made for endings?
I keep hearing the end of all is at hand

I live off decaying roots,
dead vegetable matter

Admit, discover,  understand,  claim:
I thrive off  (of) death
Now nothing can disturb me anymore.
I have found my vocation.

In the heart of the Church I will be death!

My fan whirs.

Connie has come home to clean up the kitchen-
a vegetable juice factory to delay death.

Every day mounds of carrots and Kale and
exotic greens get stripped of their form
and become liquid bouquets

My fungus factory sits quietly on the counter
trying to harmonize with all the
deformation going on.

Whatever it is it's capable
of breathing it in
transforming it into harmonizing elixir.

The Whole Catastrophe.

I should not have written these thoughts down
The thoughts that come to me are stupid

 - anonymous

     .....well not completely,  my dear


  1. the mention of
    the vegetable juice factory to delay death

    brings back memories
    of my leukemia
    and puts the rest of the poem (letter)
    in context for me

    i never set up a vegetable juice factory
    though that was recommended
    by many of the books that i read

    but i was working
    and researching cancer treatments
    i didn't have time
    to follow the juicing regimen

    though i half-worried
    that i should be doing that
    as one does at times like that

    am i doing the right thing?
    will this or that decision
    spell the difference
    between succumbing and survival?

    understanding the context now
    i suppose that
    admit discover understand claim
    is the latest psychological approach
    to facing death
    i can see how facing death
    could be a vocation
    one that each of us
    is called to
    sooner or later

    united with Christ
    in his death

    breathing it in
    the whole catastrophe

    are also familiar to me
    both being phrases that pema chodron uses
    with regard to facing life
    or death

    though she attributes the latter phrase
    to zorba the greek
    and jon kabat-zinn

    my heart goes out
    to the writer of this letter
    in solidarity
    and in gratitude for writing down
    her thoughts

    though i could have sworn
    she stole that last thought
    from me

  2. a pilgrim girl in seattle thanks you
    she wonders oblivious to our references

    i found the lines as particualrly interesting for
    relating something about the mystery of our existence
    and our relationship to nourishment

    things like this become sacramental to societies

    people all agree on methods of survival
    and we tend to bless them

    that coupled with the self berating in the
    last two lines made the think a poem
    as i read it

    food glorious food

