Friday, March 16, 2012

A Metis Heart

will walk with this vision
in a world
by walls of glass
and gutters of greed
I will follow this path
in silence
somewhere beyond
painted skys
and dead mans stones
I will travel
to the black -hole edge
and return
with the birth of a dream
to be inspired
for here
is the beauty of creation
and the birth of stars
I am of two nations
a beloved between
a rainbow
in the stream
of endless faces
i am not a bridge
for bridges
wear out
with the people
of this world
treadiing on them
they are replaced
or not...
I am
the rainbow
over the bridge
the connection
the hope
and the
I am

     -someone by the monicker Metis Artist Woman


  1. interesting!

    i was reading this
    having a growing awareness
    that hey
    these metis people
    are a sort of bridge
    just like my efforts
    to be a bridge
    a 3-way bridge
    between catholics
    protestants and buddhists

    and just then she comes right out
    and says "i am not a bridge"

    well ok then
    so much for that theory

    but i do like her image
    of being a rainbow instead of a bridge

    though i am still willing
    to be a bridge
    i could aspire to be
    something strong enough
    to be walked on

    yes i will wear out one day
    but hopefully i will have
    done some good before that happens

    though i suppose
    it is also possible
    that i could creak and break
    and take others down with me
    in a great collapse

    i will acknowledge that risk
    while looking to the rainbow
    for hope

  2. the metis poets i come across seem to have this exaggerated metaphysical sense of being beyond things i mean afterall they adopted this infinity symbol so i guess they grow to realize all earthly constructs are somehow fleeting and they have this song of eternal return going on...i'm begining to think whatever craziness marks my life is gentically and culturally determined to some extent

    infinity forever

    it occurs to me that had those dang metis built a bridge over the saskatchewan river before the battle of batoche they might have prevailed over the dastardly british troops

    something very sensible about a bridge
    rainbows inspire dreams and wonder
    but if i have to get from one side to the other somehow
    a rainbow may not help much

    who knows what's going on

    thanks for the comment just the same


  3. it might also be argued that had they been permitted by louis riel to blow up a few bridges
    it may have halted the british
    but riel didn't allow for blowing up bridges

    maybe that's what the artist woman is saying

    a bridge is functional
    and important
    but sometimes they get blown up

    however there are some very very ancient arched bridges
    in the world
    i'm for bridges
    and recognizing that the bridge is for peace
    not for military strategy

    the rainbow brings to mind noah

    but then a bridge in mpls just collapsed a few years ago

    no matter what

    it's going to be a bridge over troubled waters

    arches are great shapes

    pax primavera

