Saturday, February 4, 2012


you told me to ask
and so i did
ask for love
to fill my heart
bigger than the sky
stronger than the dark

you told me to seek
and so i did
look for you
to guide my way
through every up and down
where my life chanced to stray

you told me to knock
and so i did
upon your door
you opened wide
to my delight
took me inside

your seed fell not
upon the path
but on the soil
and sprang right up
within my thirsting heart
you filled my cup

why was it then
i soon forgot
my depth of need
so eager to be on my way
is it enough to taste your tea
when you would have me stay?

yes stay my dear
drink more, i fear
the sun will scorch
your tender shoots
so rest and sink
deeper still your roots

and then return
another day
if love seems cold
as well it may
and you should find
thorns choke your way

we'll sit and chat
and sip some tea
i'll tend my vine
that in you grows
until it yields
some thirty-fold

    - sally mcgill


  1. blessed candelmas to you
    i'd heard you mention this feast before
    this evening was my first experience of it
    fr tom blessed the liturgical candles
    as well as candles a few folks brought from home
    next year i'll know to bring one

    we also acknowledged this sunday
    as set aside by JPII in recognition
    of those consecrated to religious life
    i said a prayer for you and your brothers
    and the monks of valyermo
    i am grateful to the benedictines
    for the service and example they offer
    in their life of prayer and hospitality
