Thursday, February 23, 2012

Freeing Myself

Coi Goi

One day the wind lifts me high
so I look down and see an ant
imprisoned in a multi-folder email box,
in a mobile phone ringing from time to time.
One day the wind lifts me high
so I look down and see a bird imprisoned in the praises of his flock,
in the limits of a sense of beauty pre-arranged.
One day the wind lifts me high;
the wind hands me a pair of wings
and tells me to free myself from wings
and fly above my thoughts.

   Nguyen Phan Que Mai
   trans.  Bruce Weigl

1 comment:

  1. i had a strange memory the other day
    the memory of flying
    i suppose it was
    a memory of a dream
    that perhaps i dreamt
    a year or two ago

    but in my half-waking state
    a few mornings ago
    the memory surfaced:
    i used to be able to fly
    didn't i?

    i remembered it quite clearly
    i was out in the desert
    doing some field work
    walking along
    and the wind would pick me up
    and carry me above the earth
    not too high
    just high enough to be a little scary
    just high enough for me to wonder
    is this normal?
    can everyone fly like this?

    short spurts of flight
    alternating with a little jog
    until taking a little leap
    i was airborne again
    for a dozen yards or so
    before touching down again
    to take another leap

    when i remembered this
    a few mornings ago
    i really had a hard time
    trying to figure out
    whether it had all been a dream
    or whether there really was a time
    a few years ago
    when i could fly

    i didn't see any ants
    trapped in cell phones though
