Sunday, October 5, 2014


     Carmel Point

I watched a sea anemone
The colour of green jade
Shadowed under water.

I saw a daring crab,
Unafraid and young
Touch the velvet petals
Of the princess underwater.
Softly she took him in,
Softly she sighed and closed.
The little crab was hushed and still -
Never would he swim again
Under crevice, under weed,
Under green and coloured water.

Softly she opened -
That princess of rare jade.
Softly she gave him back
Sucked of all his pearly flesh
Sucked of all his salty blood.

I ran away to tell my dad,
"let's go home,"    I said,
"I am sorry to be born,
I am afraid of many things."

      -Margaret Phyllis McSweeney

       ----this poem  was   recited at the most recent  circle of song

1 comment:

  1. a stirring poem
    stirring up thoughts
    and fears
    and suppressed darkness
