Wednesday, August 1, 2012

of things we must hear

The White Buffalo Prophecy

In the words of Chief Arvol Looking Horse:

we carry
these messages
up to this day

& the belief
[Lakota words]
that some day
there's going to be some signs.

And so the elderly people
have been praying
for the return
of the white

buffalo calf.
And but so
these signs
that we see,

they said there's gonna be like
white buffalo calves
to be born

during this time,
& today
there's three of them
that were born.
[& now,
in the spring of 1998,
the fourth white buffalo calf
was born in Michigan]


Back in 1890
a way of life
they say
the sacred hoop was broken

at Wounded Knee
for a hundred years
we could not practice this way.

And once again,
in 1990,
the seventh generation,
that's when

our way of life,
the sacred hoop
would be mending
the mending

of the sacred hoop
we have to
complete ourself

The last one hundred years
we re not sharing,
there's so many things that
we do not tell,

so we have this
because we are not sharing
is so closed in

& in the seventh generation
once again
people would start
to feel this.

So we live in that time when
the seventh generation
since 1890
the mending of the sacred hoop

is once again
start sharing
& start understanding
this way of life, because

when we do this
in our way, we say that
when somebody is not sharing
& when they carry that pain

then it turns to violence,
& jealousy,

& all the things that
we are not teaching it,
we are not sharing them.

when we start
the ceremonies,

we let go of that pain,
& we feel good

So these spiritual
that we have

we have to really
think about
not only ourselves, but
all things

the two-legged,
the four-legged,
the winged ones,
the ones that crawl.

We say
Mitakuye Oyasin
To All
My Relations

So I m really thankful
that there's a lot of good things
that's happening,
& I m very thankful to be here


This is an historical moment
for First Nations. For our people,
the birth
of the female white buffalo calf

that many changes
are coming
to the world.

In 1890,
when the 7th Cavalry
massacred my relatives
at Wounded Knee,

the sacred hoop
of our Nation
was broken. The prophecies
also tell us

that seven generations would pass
before we would be strong enough
to begin mending
the sacred hoop.

We are in the 7th generation
today. In this generation,
healing will begin
not only for ourselves,

our families,
our nations,
but also
for the whole world. We pray

to never see
another Wounded Knee happen
to any peoples


The birth
of the white buffalo calf
tells us the time
to begin this mending
of the sacred hoop
is now. Elders
have declared June 21st
to be World Peace

& Prayer Day. On this day,
people around the world
will gather
at their sacred sites

whether it be a church,
a temple,
a mosque,
or a mountain, they will pray

for world peace. If we do not do this,
much hardship is ahead
for all peoples
of all races. We have a short time

to return
to our spiritual roots
& begin respecting our Mother
who we depend on

for the sustenance
of life. Our Mother Earth
is needing to cleanse herself
& it is our duty

to also pray for her
so that we may see life
for our grandchildren
in the 7th generation."

      John Sinclair  (b.  1941)


  1. amen

    thanks for posting this
    it is both sad and hopeful

  2. I actually knew about this prophecy. A dozen or so years ago, my family was vacationing in the Ozarks, and we heard the Grace Family, a very nice folk group (both musically and as people). I bought their CD, "Dance upon the Earth," and one of the songs on the album is "White Buffalo." The song was memorable enough that I spent some time googling for the backstory.

  3. i'm enjoying verse larceny
    it's always a test to see if i can actually nab
    something off the web
    sometimes i can't it's too complicated
    but then i've been known to type out whole texts too

    there's another story that the metis hold to
    and that is that the buffalo all went down a big hole
    supposedly somewhere in western north dakota
    and that with the age of the fourth white buffalo
    the other buffalo will emrge from t he hole and start stampeding
    around the prairies again

    i can't wait

    i'm on pins

    i'm going to go that hole in dakota
    and say a few prayers

    i know where it is now

    thanks for chiming in

    heck who woulda thunk it
    the only two people who have anything to say about the most versatile and inclusive poetry blog in the whole world are both scientists

    i may have to think about this

