Wednesday, May 16, 2012

audacitee' de amour - by- Thomas Aquinas

I said to God, “Let me love you.”
And he replied, “Which part?”
“All of you, all of you.” I said.
“Dear” God spoke, “You are as a mouse wanting to impregnate
a tiger who is not even in heat. It is a feat way
beyond your courage and strength.
You would run from me
if I removed my
I said to God again,
“Beloved I need to love you – every aspect, every pore.”
And this time God said,
“There is a hideous blemish on my body,
though it is such an infinitesimal part of my Being-
could you kiss that if it were revealed?”
“I will try, Lord, I will try.”
And then God said,
“That blemish is all the hatred and
cruelty in this


  1. i thought about reposting
    this poem on my blog
    it's nice to see it here
    it helps to reread the actual words
    instead of just recalling them
    from memory

    i had forgotten
    that the tiger
    was not even in heat

  2. yeah
    i guess the implication being
    the mouse might have half a chance
    if the cat were in heat

    i don't know
    it still sounds impossible
