Friday, October 21, 2011


          Unto the deep the deep heart goes,
           It lays its sadness nigh the breast:
         Only the Mighty Mother knows
           The wounds that quiver unconfessed.

          It seeks a deeper silence still;
           It folds itself around with peace,
          Where thoughts alike of good or ill
           In quietness unfostered cease.

             It feels in the unwounding vast
             For comfort for its hopes and fears:
                The Mighty Mother bows at last;
                  She listens to her children's tears.

                 Where the last anguish deepens -- there
                      The fire of beauty smites through pain:
                                 A glory moves amid despair,
                                        The Mother takes her child again.

                                                            A.  E.


  1. i like this
    (i like all the poems you post)

    this one though
    catches my attention

    the second stanza gives
    a very poetic description
    of meditation

    thoughts unfostered cease

    when i can manage that
    everything seems to get
    a lot less complicated

  2. research baby research
    seek and ye shall
    click of a button
    i'm sure A E is latin for something

    stay tuned for more lyrix

  3. AE
    was a nom de plume for
    george william russell

    and irish poet and clairvoyante


  4. i've also learned that the ' ae ' describes an actual sound
    in both latin and old english
    in old english they refer to it as ash
    and it is the same as the ash in ash tree
    so perhaps Russell was making some sort of poetic statement
    with his acquired name

    sorry it took so long to get back to you on this


    4 years

